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GSE Publications (GSEP) is one of the leading publishers in the field of Scientific Research, Technology Development and in the field of Engineering and Technology, Management, and Science.  GSE Publications will help to enhance the knowledge of the Researchers and Academicians and Students in the fields of their interest. We provide service in publishing your articles in highly reputed journals indexed in Web of Science SCI, SCIE, ESCI, Elsevier Scopus, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and EBSCO.

 For publishing articles, we provide Paper/Article Writing, Plagiarism Checking, and Implementation of Research Topic of your domain. The GSE Publications is promoting the High Quality Scientific Research Methods in Engineering and Technology by establishing their own quality Scientific Journals. International Journal of Scientific Methods in Intelligence Engineering Networks (IJSMIEN) is an International Refereed, Peer-Reviewed Open Access journal having e-ISSN: 2583-8113, is on such a journal promoting High Quality Scientific Research Methods in Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Technology. International Journal of Scientific Methods in Engineering and Management (IJSMEM) is an International refereed, Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Open Access journal having e-ISSN: 2583-8083, published by the GSE Publications to promote High Quality Scientific Research Methods in Engineering and Management Studies is another journal established by GSE Publications. GSE Publications has assisted more than 2000 authors to publish their research studies and articles in international peer-reviewed journals. Our service specializations include journal manuscript writing, publishing, help developing a manuscript from your existing research or thesis document, editing your manuscript, formatting and submitting your manuscript to a referred journal, following up with journal editors/ conference organizers regarding your submitted manuscript, and doing a peer review of your manuscript. Publishing Service supports Research Professors, Academicians, Industry Consultants, Projects Associates, Research Fellows, Emeritus Professors, and Students for extensive dissemination of knowledge throughout the world. Publishing Service can offer open access, peer reviewed and single blinded referred journals with fast track publishing. We invite papers in original research papers, survey paper or extended version of already published papers in international conferences and journals. Research papers for publication selected through peer review to ensure quality, readability and relevance. Our top experts help you choosing the right topic in current research area and provide professional proof reading and editing services. We assist you in developing a perfect journal article for publishing.

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